Monday 10 September 2012

Colossus: The abandoned chemical factory of Rüdersdorf

The chimney poked up innocuously through the trees as I cycled past. Oh ho! What’s this? I cycled back up the path, excitement building as more chimneys presented themselves one by one, and I literally gasped when I saw what lay before my eyes: This →
OK, you’ll have seen the picture already so perhaps the element of surprise was ruined, but still, pretty amazing. It stretched out below me in majestic decadent glory and I just gazed down, mouth probably open, goosebumps on my arms and legs as I surveyed the sheer giganticism of it, the bulk, the improbability, the stillness, like something from another world. You just never know what’s around the corner in this country.
I locked up the bike, not that there was anyone to rob it, and proceeded past the chimneys, hurriedly taking my time – I didn’t want to miss anything on the way yet couldn’t wait to get down to explore the wonders of the colossus waiting for me below.
I’d stumbled upon the abandoned chemical factory of Rüdersdorf (actually in Tasdorf) which was once part of VEB Chemiewerk Coswig, responsible mainly for the production of the animal feed Rükana and other phosphates used for farming.
It started life in 1899 as a cement factory operated by C.O.Wegener, which allegedly made the cement in “an ultra-modern yet highly dangerous” kiln oven. The huge Preußag concern (now the TUI travel agent) took over in 1939, producing bauxite vital for the Nazis’ war effort from 1944.
The Russians dismantled the plant after the war, but it found a new lease of life in 1950 when the VEB Glühphosphatwerk Rüdersdorf was formed to make the afore-mentioned phosphates. Two more kilns were added in 1972, and the factory came under control of the Piesteritz-based VEB Kombinat Agrochemie (agrochemicals) at the end of the 1970s.
German reunification spelled the end for VEB Chemiewerk Coswig, however, as it did for so many East German enterprises, with dwindling sales and dodgy dealings from investors preceding the inevitable. The factory made its last pig’s dinner before the gates were permanently closed in 1999.
Fencing topped with razor-wire surrounds the site now but don’t let that put you off. Sure a little bit of razor-wire never harmed anyone.
Descending past the chimneys (which I later learned were chalk ovens in the unrelated Museumpark into which you’re supposed to pay), I found a gap in the fence to the train tracks, with another convenient gap under the razor-wire and into the site. I was in!
An unsettling humming noise presides over the area, presumably from a neighbouring factory still in use, but that just adds to the spooky ambience.
Wildlife abounds in the absence of humans, birds making the most of all the lofty perches, while frogs, tadpoles and a snake(!) had made themselves at home in a murky green pool.
There are other murky pools with black evil-looking shit and no wildlife at all, not even of the six-eyed variety. Toxic reminders of the past.
The buildings are immense. I got dizzy just walking into one with huge round concrete canisters which swallowed me up. There are holes everywhere so you really need to watch your step. This is not a place to come if you’re drunk or planning on getting drunk. One wrong step and it could be your last.
To add to the excitement, the buildings are crumbling too, and concrete dust covers the ground beside the soaring walls. I hope they’re still sound. If you hear creaking, run like bejaysus!
Against my better judgement, I ascended the stairs without walls up, and up, and up, and up outside the canisters, my vertigo getting more intense, my grip tighter and my beating heart louder the higher I climbed, until finally I reached the summit and could pause to let the waves of dizziness wash over me. I swayed as I surveyed the ruins around me. Then I sat down. Safer.
I didn’t dare go out onto the roof of the main building. You can see it’s broken in places and one footstep could send the whole damn thing crashing down.
In one of the buildings to the east of the site, there are still stacks of old papers, delivery notes, letters and so on, as well as wrecked furniture and discarded containers littering the floor, some no doubt still holding their evil potions.
The skull and crossbones were clearly visible on some containers, so pirates must have once called this place home. Maybe they’re still there. Arrr, here be a fine place to drop anchor.
I didn’t see any pirates, nor any humans at all, so the only feasible conclusion is that the frogs I met were actually humans frogified from inhaling the various unknown gases and chemicals permeating throughout the site.
It’s incredible, but perhaps it’s best not to hang around for too long.


Abandoned chemical factory which began life as a cement factory, then made bauxite during the war, before its raison d’être became the production of animal feed phosphates and other things as part of VEB Chemiewerk Coswig, one of those GDR companies.

Gutenbergstraße, 15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin, Germany.

How to get there
Get the train from Alexanderplatz to Erkner, the S3 or the faster regional train, the RE1 towards Frankfurt (Oder). From the Bahnhof, cycle in a northeasterly direction towards Rüdersdorf, specifically the Museumspark Rüdersdorf at Heinitzstraße 41, 15562 Rüdersdorf. The gate was open so I didn’t have to pay. Just follow the path on the left until you spot a few innocent-looking chimneys poking from the trees. You’ll find the factory laid out before you then. Here’s where it is on a map.
Otherwise, if you get caught and they’re looking for money, you can approach from the other side by cycling to Tasdorf via Ernst-Thalmann-Straße, turn right onto Berliner Straße in the village, and then take the second right onto Gutenbergstraße back down towards the factory. You’ll have to hop the gate.
It’s a good cycle, 7.4 km each way (longer if you take the second route) but it’s worth it. If you’re lazy you can get the 951 bus from S-Bahnhof Fredersdorf to Rüdersdorf, Tasdorf and walk from there.

Getting in
If you go the first route, through Museumspark Rüdersdorf, you’ll find a gap in the fence over the train tracks and another corresponding gap in the fence on the other side, rendering all that nasty-looking razor wire pretty much useless, unless it’s to stop pigeons from resting their weary wings by sitting on the fence. Those pigeons can never make up their minds.

When to go
I recommend daytime to minimise the risk of being killed by walking off an eight-story building, or tripping into a huge deep hole or a pit of foul leftover chemicals. Seriously, there are quite a number of pitfalls, no pun intended.

Difficulty rating
5/10. Getting here is a bit of a chore, getting in is easy once you find the gaps in the fence and apart from that there shouldn’t be any problems. No security as far as I could see.

Who to bring
If your boyfriend/girlfriend isn’t terrified of heights you could bring them for a romantic view across the treetops and industrial areas of Rüdersdorf, Tasdorf and beyond. It’s probably a good idea to bring someone though, in case one of you falls into a hole/off a building/gets trapped under a collapsing roof.

What to bring
A helmet won’t save you if the roof does collapse so don’t bother with that. As always, a camera, couple of beers and a sandwich or something for nourishment. I was pretty thirsty after all that cycling so maybe a bottle of water wouldn’t go amiss either. And a torch is useful for exploring dark rooms and cellars.

The buildings themselves are pretty dangerous, either from the point of view of them falling on you or you falling off them. Falling seems to be the main danger all round really. As always, watch out for nosey busybodies, Polizei, and anyone else out to spoil the fun.


  1. i've been reading of your adventures from australia - makes me want to get all adventurous like and explore the abandoned buildings that litter my town! looking forward to reading more of your exploits:) cheers, nat

  2. Thank you for your blog. It's a great information source.
    Last saturday: highly motivated guard is chasing us. take care or skip this place

  3. Thanks for your blog! I just came back, it was awesome! :)

    I entered from the gate side (Gutenbergstraße). It's possible to climb the gate but not really convenient because of some extra fence and razor-wire. The way across a little railroad bridge is much easier: 50m before the gate turn left into Am Krienhafen. At the end turn right towards the river, follow the path and cross the bridge. Right after the bridge the fence is open and you can easily enter. My mother could do that :)

    I didn't see any security neither (Sunday noon).

    I hitchhiked back to the S-Bahn and the guy who gave me a ride said that someone is going to shoot a gangster movie there soon.

  4. Hi,
    I loved your blog and since I'm staying in Berlin for 3 days, I visited/will visit some of sites you introduced here.
    I' visited the chemical factory of Rudersdorf but I couldn't enter at all.
    There were 3 parked cars near the gate, a moving digger, a few workers (I saw at least 3 people).
    But I dared to try to enter at least one building but as you can see in the photo below, the digger was between the two building so I gave up.
    They didn't seem demolishing the factory because the digger was just digging and moving the sands.
    But do you know anything about what is going on there?
    I might give it try in the early morning but I would probably end up watching the workers again...

    1. Hi! I don't know what's going on there at the moment - relieved to hear at least they're not demolishing it.
      One word of warning if you are trying early in the morning - German builders are very early risers. They seem to take a sadistic pleasure out of waking the rest of the country up. So you'd need to be very early indeed to get there ahead of them.

    2. Thanks for the reply! I probably won't have chance to visit there again during this trip but I'll definitely come back! I really, really hope that they won't demolish the beautiful building but please update us if you hear something or visit there :)

  5. Guys this place is over.. went there today (saturday), secutirty everywhere. I tryed the first time by the river and I've been caught by a worker.. I decided to take the other way in from Gutenbergstrasse and again, this time the security guy told me not even to try to take a pic from outside or he will call the police. regret to say that i wanted to go in so bad.. shit.

    1. I'm very sorry to hear that. I reckon they're doing some building work there now. I'm not sure exactly what's planned for the site.

    2. We tried today to go in. And It was succesful. Actually all this "demolition" work is not because they want to demolish the building it is due a IIWW location for a film.

      When we arrieved there was a guy in the main entrance, so it was not possible to go in. We have tried trouhg the left part of the complex and we found a gap. We have been messing around the buildings carefully to not betray our position and we descovered all the stuff for the movie. There is even a gothic destroyed church made with woods.

      The place is huge and it worth to go there.

      Thanks for the blog, was the perfect saturdayafternoon plan.

  6. Hi,
    Thanks for such an interesting blog. I'm going to visit Berlin, so I hope to see this place too. Is there any old waterworks factory near that chemical factory? It's a beautiful building with turms...I heard that it's in the East but I can't find it anywhere :(

  7. Update: The way in through the left part is technically still possible, also, you can technically climb the fence behind some little house near Guttenbergstraße. However, right now, I highly recommend not going unless you are either very adventurous OR ready to be disappointed, as you will be caught when things are as they were today. I counted more than 20 workers on site, might be a little better during the night time, however, I don't imagine the place will be too cozy then, and I suspect even then there might be a guard or two.
    Also, guarddogs were present today, so if you decide to go, be ready to leg it. Good luck to everyone. I think I'll be trying again around september or so, maybe they'll be done by then. If so, I'll update the information again. If anybody goes there sooner, a heads up would be appreciated if the workers have left then.
